Keep Calm and Curry On is coming to an end: here’s why

keep-calm-and-curry-on-logo22I’ve been away for a while in London. During our stay, we learnt some good news: that if all goes well, we are moving to Manhattan. This should take a couple of months from now, if there isn’t too drastic a slip twixt cup and lip.

As a result, this blog is coming to a natural end. In the coming weeks and months I’ll be writing a new blog about moving to and living in New York, called This is Not America. You can find it here. Please do go and visit and bookmark it or add it to your WordPress reader. Thanks.

More life in the old dog yet
That said, I hope to publish several posts on this blog that try to reflect what I’ve learnt about India and Delhi from two years of living here. Some summary posts, something that tries to capture the amazing thoughts, feelings, sights, sounds and smells of this infinitely variable subcontinent of 1.3 billion people. I like an impossible task.

When they are finished, we’ll say our goodbyes. But until then, with one foot in India and one foot in America, let’s keep calm and curry on…

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